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Archive for the tag “relations”

Relationships and the politics that shape them

Maintaining great relationships in today’s politick atmosphere, while maintaining a feeling of privilege to free speech and living, are some of the biggest challenges anyone can face today.  How important is one’s (or one’s family’s) personal residence location when it comes to creating and- most tricky- maintaining great relationships?  For instance, how well do seculars fare in the South?  Or, will one be inherently more comfortable living in Northern California if they smoke marijuana?  Where is the last place a true feminist (someone sensitive to oppressive sexist attitudes) would want to live in the U.S. ?

From one vantage point, it seems that this is one nation, and that part of the benefit of a federal or centralized government is that one can travel anywhere- live anywhere- and enjoy the everyday freedoms of life in America without the repercussions of one’s neighbors.

From another vantage, it seems that what should be our great unity has instead turned into a more separated nation than even in times past- true?  Let’s hope not, and try to work against it somehow.

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